PPID helps obtain U Visas and legal status for victims of crime, which can lead to lawful permanent residency in the US.
Our Attorneys provide online and face-to-face legal consultations. Establishing a relationship and clearly understanding your needs is a critical first step toward success.
We speak Spanish, Chinese, Bulgarian, Russian, Hindi, Punjabi, and more. We go above and beyond to make sure that language is never a barrier between us and our clients.
PPID helps clients escape abuse and build a successful life in the U.S. with a U Visa. We stand up for people who have been mistreated and will explain each facet of the U visa program, including the following eligibility requirements:
Victim of Qualifying Criminal Activity: You must have been the victim of a qualifying criminal activity that occurred in the United States or violated U.S. laws. Crimes include Domestic Violence, Abusive Sexual Contact, False Imprisonment, Stalking, Trafficking, and more found here at USCIS.
Suffered Physical or Mental Abuse: You must have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of having been a victim of the crime.
Helpful to the Investigation or Prosecution: You must have information about the criminal activity and must be helpful, have been helpful, or are likely to be helpful in the future to law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, or other authorities in the investigation or prosecution of the crime.
Admissibility: You must be admissible to the United States. If you are not admissible, you may apply for a waiver on Form I-192, Application for Advance Permission to Enter as a Non-Immigrant.
Available visas: Congress allocates 10,000 U visas to be issued each year, not including authorizations for spouses and other family members. Once the annual cap is reached, applicants for U status are placed on a waitlist and can be eligible for deferred action. While on the waitlist, applicants and derivative relatives, such as a spouse or unmarried child for applicants over 21, can receive employment authorization.
Presence in the United States: Generally, someone whose U visa request is approved can obtain an adjustment of status if he or she has been physically present in the United States for three continuous years. Unless the applicant is required to be out of the country to participate in an investigation or legal proceeding, they cannot leave the United States for more than 90 days at a time or a total of 180 days during the three-year period.
Public interest: For an applicant to be approved for a U visa, the Department of Homeland Security must rule that the applicant’s continued presence in the United States is in the public interest because he or she can aid in the investigation and/or prosecution of a suspected criminal.
If favorably adjudicated, the U visa grants permission to remain and work in the country for up to four years and allows beneficiaries to eventually apply for a green card, which conveys permanent resident status.
Immigration laws should not prevent a young person from living in a safe, supportive environment. PPID has decades of experience and works tirelessly to secure relief for abused and neglected clients.